Return & Exchanges

How can I cancel my order?

Orders can be canceled if they haven’t been shipped yet. Once we receive your cancellation request, we will process it within 1-2 business days. However, if your order has already been marked as shipped, it can no longer be canceled, though you can request an address change instead.

Can I exchange products after receiving them?

Yes, we can offer exchanges for issues related to size or product quality. Please contact us at with the details of your concern, and we’ll assist you in arranging the exchange.

What if I find the product packaging or components damaged, or receive the wrong item after my order arrives?

If your package arrives with damaged products or incorrect items, please contact us right away at Be sure to include clear photos of the damage or issue. We’ll work quickly to arrange a replacement or exchange for you.

How long will it take to receive a refund after returning a product?

Once we receive and inspect your returned item at our warehouse, refunds are processed within 3 business days. The refund will be issued to your original payment method. If you don’t see the refund after a few days, first double-check your bank account, then contact your bank for more information. If the issue persists, please reach out to us at, and we’ll help resolve it.

Will I need to pay for the return shipping?

The responsibility for return shipping costs depends on the reason for the return. If the return is due to an issue with the product or an error on our part, we will cover the return shipping costs. Otherwise, the cost of return shipping will be borne by the customer.